Five Fluffs with Major Followings

Dog portrait

June 30th is Social Media Day and, to be honest, we’re not sure why social media needs a day when it seems that everyone’s days are consumed by it… but we’ll play along the best way we know how: by applying it to pets! These days it’s considered normal to see pets with their own pages, but what’s really surprising is the number of followers these guys actually rack up. For newcomers it seems making it big is getting harder and harder, but we can’t forget the four-legged trailblazers that garnered millions of followers and sparked a whole lot of joy on social media.

  • This little Pomeranian took the internet by storm with his teddy bear face after getting some publicity in Asia; with 16 million Facebook followers, he went on to raise over $100k for various charities and snag some merchandise deals.
  • Doug the Pug. Doug’s shot to stardom was inadvertent but, over 3 million Instagram and 6 million FB followers later, he has a book on the NYT bestseller list, a line of greeting cards, and some plush deals.
  • Lil Bub. What started as a Tumblr appearance ended in over 2 million IG followers, two books, a TV special on Animal Planet, movie cameos, and a documentary on VICE.
  • Grumpy Cat. Inevitably lovable because of her downturned face and dwarfish body, Grumpy Cat became the Friskies spokesperson because of her social media following. Though Grumpy Cat recently passed away, the world and her 8.5 million FB followers will not soon forget this furry influencer.
  • Tuna. Tuna’s mom simply posted a picture of her silly boy and immediately received feedback that he was sparking joy to everyone that saw it – and it’s easy to see why! With 306,000 FB followers, this sweet face has worked with Barkbox, Target, PetSmart, and Swiffer.