Weight Management in Summer: Should Their Diet Change in Warm Weather?

Dog waiting for feeding

As pet nutrition experts we’re often asked if pets’ portions should change with the seasons. For many dogs, with warmer weather comes added exercise – leaving owners wondering if their typical feeding is sufficient. Extreme temperatures alone can require more energy from pets to keep themselves warm or cool; combined with added exercise, it’s fair to assume a slight increase in calories will help provide the energy they need to sustain. So the short answer is yes, you can consider feeding your pet more if they’re burning more with physical activity – but the real question here is how much.

On the days you know they’ll be extra active, we recommend increasing their portion by about 10% and monitoring their weight and energy. To give you a range, keep in mind that working dogs can require up to 40% more food to maintain the energy needed to do their job, but these are cattle/police/hunting dogs who engage in vigorous activity all day multiple days per week. You can also mix it up if that’s what works by increasing their pre-workout portion but keeping their dinner portion the same and see how they do with that. On the days you know you guys will be lounging inside, keep with their regularly-scheduled meal size.

Also know that the quality of your pet’s food makes a big difference in how their body breaks it down and utilizes it; consider a food that’s rich in protein, low in fat, and doesn’t use any fillers. Just like health-conscious humans, active dogs need a food that can provide the nutrients needed to fuel their energy and replenish their muscles.


Do you do anything differently to your pet’s meal during more extreme temperatures? We’d love to hear more on Facebook.